
Building inspection tips for home buyers and sellers

Flood-prone areas: mitigation and preparation

Flood-prone areas: mitigation and preparation

Flooding is an ongoing risk for many areas in South Australia, particularly regions with low-lying landscapes, river systems and coastal exposure.

The pros and cons of inner-city living

The pros and cons of inner-city living

South Australia’s inner-city lifestyle has become increasingly desirable in recent years, attracting a diverse mix of residents eager to enjoy the convenience, vibrancy and accessibility that urban living provides.

Budget-friendly renovation tips

Budget-friendly renovation tips

Whether you’re looking to personalise your space or increase its value for future resale, strategic improvements don’t always have to break the bank.

Common issues in SA homes – and how to fix them

Common issues in SA homes – and how to fix them

Owning a home in South Australia comes with a unique set of challenges - but there are solutions when it comes to addressing the most common faults found.

SA property market forecast for 2025

SA property market forecast for 2025

As we move into 2025, the South Australian property market continues to show its resilience and appeal in the face of changing economic landscapes.

Open inspection red flags

Open inspection red flags

Purchasing a property is a significant investment - so don't be dazzled by fresh paintwork, new carpets and ‘staged’ furniture.

The legal landscape of home buying

The legal landscape of home buying

Purchasing a home is governed by a complex set of laws and regulations to protect both buyers and sellers.

Navigating mortgage options

Navigating mortgage options

Purchasing a home is a monumental step, and for most people it involves securing a mortgage - but what are the finance options you might consider?

Choosing the right location when buying a home

Choosing the right location when buying a home

Selecting the right location is crucial not only for your current lifestyle but also for the future value of your property.

Snapshot - South Australia's real estate market

Snapshot - South Australia's real estate market

What's in store for South Australia's real estate market for the year ahead and beyond?

Navigating the home buying process

Navigating the home buying process

For anyone wanting to start climbing up the property ladder, understanding the intricacies of the home buying process is crucial.

Buying in a bushfire prone area

Buying in a bushfire prone area

If you're looking for a tree change, then moving into or near a bushfire prone area brings some additional responsibilities that should be considered before signing on the dotted line.

Pool safety tips

Pool safety tips

With the warmer months upon us, many people are enjoying more time in the great outdoors, but what should you be doing to keep your pool sparkling and safe?

How to inspect the building inspector

How to inspect the building inspector

Getting an experienced building inspector is a critical part of successfully buying that dream home, so it's important to make the right choice.

Country living in a post-pandemic era

Country living in a post-pandemic era

A growing number of people are looking to regional communities as a better option to put down roots, soak up country charm and enjoy extra room in the great outdoors - but what should you consider?

How to get ready for bushfire season

How to get ready for bushfire season

If you live in or adjacent to a bushfire-prone area, now is the time to get cracking on some important clean-up jobs around the house.

Air-conditioning top tips

Air-conditioning top tips

With heating and cooling costs accounting for about 40% of a home’s energy use it’s important to have energy-efficient options that provide cool comfort without the hip-pocket pain.

Dependent accommodation

Dependent accommodation

A granny - or grandpa - flat can be the perfect solution for people with an aging parent or relative, but what should be considered?

Top 5 tips for Sellers

Top 5 tips for Sellers

Sunny days and warmer weather normally heralds a spike in the number of homes on the market for sale. But what should a home owner do to get a hassle-free sale and a good price?

Coastal living tips

Coastal living tips

With South Australia offering some of the nation’s best sections of coastline, a growing number of people are swapping busy city living for a more laid-back coastal lifestyle.

Dealing with fencing and boundaries

Dealing with fencing and boundaries

Whether you’ve been living in your home for years, just purchased a property, or you’re about to buy a parcel of land to build your dream home, you could suddenly find yourself dealing with fences that are in the wrong place.

Buying to renovate or redevelop?

Buying to renovate or redevelop?

Looking to buy an investment property to renovate or redevelop? Here's our top tips for investors when looking for the right property.

Termites - Top Tips

Termites - Top Tips

With one in every four properties likely to come under attack at some point, the termite remains the most dreaded of all household pests. Read how you can keep your largest asset best protected.

Making a home future proof

Making a home future proof

If you are planning to build a home, or about to embark on renovations, now is the chance to make sure your design can adapt to changes down the track.

How to achieve bathroom bliss

How to achieve bathroom bliss

There’s an old adage that a bathroom can play a critical role in helping to sell a home, which is why regular maintenance can avoid costly repairs caused by leaks, mould and mildew.

Tips for buying a home

Tips for buying a home

Buying a home is the biggest purchase that most of us will ever make – so before you buy make sure you read some of our tips for home buyers.

Preparing a home for a Winter sale

Preparing a home for a Winter sale

Many South Australians could be facing costly repair bills caused by water damage this Winter. Read our blog and make sure your property is kept in tip-top condition.

10 tips when buying to renovate or redevelop

10 tips when buying to renovate or redevelop

What should an investor consider when looking for the right property? Check out out ten top tips.

Home inspection mistakes

Home inspection mistakes

What are some of the biggest mistakes buyers make when it comes to a home inspection? This blog helps you to sort out fact from fiction.

Buying a property with a pool

Buying a property with a pool

A growing number of buyers are on the hunt for a property with a pool because it adds a lifestyle element when the weather heats up. But what should you keep in mind?

Buying a property with trees

Buying a property with trees

While a tree can form a critical part of a home’s mini-eco system, if you're thinking about a tree-change then there are some pros and cons that are worth considering.

Building an eco-home

Building an eco-home

A green home design conserves water and energy, protects the environment, improves its value, and can actually save money.

Purchasing a character home

Purchasing a character home

Let's face it, South Australia has some breath-taking character homes that offer the very best of yesteryear charm. But before you give away your heart and sign on the dotted line there are a few things to consider.

10 things you should know before buying a house

10 things you should know before buying a house

Here's a handy checklist of the 10 most common problems to inspect before buying a house