article 6 June 2024

Choosing the right location when buying a home

Choosing the right location when buying a home

Buying a home is one of the most significant investments most people ever make. As a home buyer in South Australia, selecting the right location is crucial not only for your current lifestyle but also for the future value of your property.

Here's a comprehensive look at what you should consider when choosing a location for your new home:

Proximity to quality schools

For families or those planning to start one at some future point, the availability and quality of local schools can significantly impact your choice of location. South Australia boasts a range of excellent public and private schools. Suburbs such as Glenunga, Burnside and Unley are renowned for their top-tier educational institutions like Glenunga International High School. When considering a location, research the local schools' reputations, performance scores and extra-curricular offerings to ensure they meet your family's needs.

Access to amenities

Convenience is a major factor when choosing where to live. Look for areas that offer easy access to essential amenities such as shopping centres, medical facilities, parks and recreational facilities. Suburbs like Prospect, Norwood and Semaphore are well known for their vibrant shopping districts, cafes and community centres. Proximity to these amenities can often enhance your lifestyle, providing convenience and a better quality of life, especially when they are in walking distance of where you live.

Transportation and connectivity

Efficient transportation links are essential for daily commutes and overall accessibility. South Australia’s public transport system, including buses, trains, and trams, is primarily centered around Adelaide. Living near a reliable public transport route can save you time and reduce the stress of commuting. Suburbs like Goodwood, Henley Beach and Mawson Lakes are well-connected and offer easy access to the Adelaide CBD. Additionally, consider future infrastructure projects that may improve connectivity in developing areas.

Safety and community vibe

Safety is paramount when choosing a location for your home. Review local crime statistics (freely available on the SA Police website) and consider visiting the area at different times of the day to get a feel for its safety and community vibe. Suburbs such as Stirling, Walkerville and Aldgate are known for their low crime rates and strong community feel. Engaging with local community groups or online forums can also provide insights into the area's culture and sense of community.

Future growth and development

Investing in a location with potential for growth can enhance your property’s value over time. Look for areas undergoing development or those earmarked for future projects. Suburbs like Mount Barker, Gawler and Virginia are expanding rapidly due to new housing developments and infrastructure projects. Staying informed about local government plans and property market trends can help you identify emerging hotspots.

Lifestyle and environment

Consider what lifestyle you envision for yourself and your family. Do you prefer the hustle and bustle of the city, the peace and quiet of the suburbs or the scenic beauty of coastal living? South Australia offers diverse living environments, from the urban excitement of Adelaide’s city centre to the serene beaches of Glenelg and the picturesque Adelaide Hills. Reflect on your preferences and choose a location that aligns with your desired lifestyle.

Accessibility to employment

Finally, proximity to your workplace or potential employment opportunities is a crucial factor for many buyers. Living near your place of work can reduce commute times, lower travel costs and improve your work-life balance. Areas like North Adelaide and Kent Town are popular for their close proximity to the CBD and major business districts.