PO Box 769
Murray Bridge SA 5253
Mobile: 0427 005 208
Business: 8532 1493
Facsimile: 8531 1455
Email: terminix@baonline.com.au
Web: https://terminix.com.au/
When it comes to putting a halt to the steady march of termites, not many others can measure up to the experience of Ashley Carter from Terminix.
The 54-year old from Murray Bridge first joined the family business more than 37 years ago now, and is still going strong today, servicing clients from across Adelaide, the Adelaide Hills, Murray region, Fleurieu Peninsula and as far away as Pinnaroo and Bordertown.
The working-with-family theme is still going as equally strong all those years later too – with his wife Katrina, one of his four sons, and his brother Clinton, all working in the business as well.
In total there are eight people in the team, who offer general pest control work, with Ashley and Clinton also doing pre-purchase building inspections as well.
Ashley says that while they more commonly encounter four primary species of termites, they still come across less common varieties from time to time – recently coming across what is suspected to be an uncommon European House Borer in western suburbs home.
“One of the key points of difference is our experience across a range of very different types of structures, which also gives us an edge over the termites because our knowledge helps us to find them in often very difficult places that might often be overlooked by other pest experts,” Ashley says.
“One of the worst examples of termite damage that I have come across in my career was an 11-year old house in the northern suburbs that had been badly attacked, so much that the roof was actually left sitting on top of the brickwork because the timber supports had been eaten away,” he says.
“The house had been previously inspected by a builder, but he had missed the small visual tell-tale signs, and it ended up being so bad that the owners had to rebuild the home from the inside out just to make it safe and liveable again.”
Another one of Ashley’s more memorable moments was finding termites in a two-year old unit at Norwood – where the critters had avoided a termite barrier by using an electric conduit from the speaker installed in the front gate to travel all the way to the second storey of the home. They were only discovered when they caused an electrical short.
In addition to being a member of the Association of Building Consultants, Ashley has also been a member of the Australian Environmental Pest Managers Association for more than 20 years and is the current Chairman.